Hello, everyone!

I got an email a short time ago from Annie Stoll, one of the people behind an exciting new shoujo anthology, Hana Doki Kira!


Hana Doki Kira is a shoujo anthology that’s being funded on Kickstarter. They’ve hired a diverse group of artists to do art, and everything looks so pretty and nice.

What I like about the art style is that it looks completely different from stereotypical shoujo, and I really think that encouraging unique perspectives within the shoujo community is important, not only because these artists are worthy of recognition by a wider audience, but because promoting diversity within shoujo creators is valuable – people from different walks of life have vastly different things to contribute.

Also, the Kickstarter has a ton of cool perks (those tote bags look pretty cute!), and the basic pdf is only $5. Now that’s a pretty good deal – if you were to buy a similar anthology as a physical copy, it would most likely be…quintuple that.

Now, I know the base Kickstarter goal has been met, but extra cool stuff will happen if they meet higher funding landmarks. We can get this printed in hardcover (how cool would that be?) if there are enough backers. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

As of the time of posting, there are 11 days left, so I really suggest that you give it a look over there and see if it appeals to you.

Konata OUT! (  /^0^)/

(c) THAT Shoujo Manga Blog ? – Read entire story here.