By  Jorge Paiz

In  anime there tends to be three types of characters stand out the cute ones, the weird ones and the bad ass ones. now these types of characters that form unique contrast and blend of personalities that bring each character in the anime leap off the screen. Now in many anime these characters eventually cross paths as  either friends, enemies,villains,  Heroes, or lovable abominations . In this article we will take 2 memorable cute anime characters with fight power along with 2 weird characters and bad ass characters and s who is the cutest the weirdest and the baddest. The results will be based  on a stylistically analysis based chracters personality and skills. Now then let’s get things started!

The Cute: Reborn vs. Tony Tony Chopper

Reborn (Hitman Reborn)

Description: Reborn is  said to be the world’s strongest hitman who wheres a fedora and suiit , he is also said to be the strongest of the Vongola family Now reborn is also a home school tutor who has taught other mafia members to be stronger by using the abilities of shooting special bullets at their head to unlock special abilities in them. There are 2 bullets reborn uses 1. the dying will bullet, 2. Rebuke bullets.

Skills:While the dying will bullets may turn off  the  safety switches of another’ s instinct to harness the power of there great strength. Reborn has other abilities that he can use like the chaos shot. The chaos shot is an abilities that  uses a small amount of sun flames at the tip of his gun turning them into a yellow sparkling sphere. The sphere is then fired splitting into multiple sun arrows that can attack multiple targets and home in on them as well.  Another asset Reborn has is his un-cursed form which makes him into a full grown adult making him twice as strong. Though Reborn’s appearance may seem small he is indeed quiet deadly

Tony Tony Chopper (One Peace)

Description: Tony the chopper is a reign dear who stands at 2 feet tall, though this reign dear maybe short what he has in store for his enemies may surprise you. This reign dear has an occupation of being the doctor of Marry which is pirate ship runed by non other then Monkey D. Luffy. Though the occupation of a doctor may not seem very threatening, his ability to shape shift his body into different forms may give more pain then his medical bills.

Skills:One of the unique assets Chopper has is his deadly rumble ball pill which gives chopper numerous transformations for 3 minutes by distorting choppers transformation wave lengths. One of those transformations being called “Heavy Point” a transformation that gives chopper a muscular like body with human biceps and triceps. This gives him two other abilities one known as jumping point which gives him a jumping ability to jump  incredibly high altitudes in the air. Another ability is the arm pint which gives his arms the strength to smash through boulders and walls If chopper takes  3 under six hours he becomes a  deadly transformation which is deadly to his foes and himself.


the reason is because of the abilities they both posses in their body’s allowing them to tire each other out  since they are very difficult to kill. Also the fact that Tony Choppers heavy point ability give him a massive body along with the possibility of him taking 3 rumble balls causing casualty to not only his enemies but him self  makes it almost impossoble for either two to coem out the fight alive.

The Weird: Stein vs. Ikaros

Stein (Soul Eater)

Description: Professor stein is expert elite meister of Death Weapon Meister Academy, not only was he one of the top graduating meisters to make a death scythe he also found a way cut everything up and sow it back together with stitching even his own house. This is a guy you would not want sleeping over your house unless you want him to cut you up while your sleeping and sow your toes upside down.

Skills: Stein carry’s a powerful weapon known as a Deathscythe,  which is weapon that is living weapon that reaches its ultimate form when it reaps and consumes 99 kishen souls and soul of w itch This weapon also has ability to take on several forms like witch hunter and genie hunter. Both modes have the ability to reap any object or any living soul with energy to bits. Stein also has the ability to project his soul wave length and use it as a weapon by zapping anybody that gets in his way with it. Along with cunning and strategic mind Stein is a weirdo you don’t want to mess with or room with at most.

Ikaros (Heavens Lost Property)

Description: Ikaros is humanoid like creation of  Suu Minazuki known as an angeloid. Unknown as to why she was created Ikaros a very submissive angeloid who is very passive when it comes to takeing orders from her master Tomoki. Although this  hot angeloid may look like your fantasy come true, this weird amazing beauty with a child like grasp has a few deadly secrets in her interface.

Skills:Ikaros posses several unique skills and assets that make her quiet strong and powerful,  What gives Ikaros her abilities is known as The Uranus  Queen Mode. In Uranus Queen Mode Ikaros has access to many weapons and abilities that make her a force to reckoned with.  To defend herself she has a shield called the Aegis Shield which can block any attack from any given direction. Talk about and Ultimate Shield no pun intended. Another abilities she has as an offense is called the Artemis Launcher, this allows her to fire dozens of energy missiles from her wings. Last but not least she has her trump card a colossal spaceship known as  Hephaestus that is armed with massive energy cannons  that when combined can send out a single shot of  energy so powerful it can destroy the earth on impact.

Winner:Stein (Soul Eater)

Now a lot of you are probably questioning how could stein win when Ikaros has so  many powerful energy firing weapons including a giant spaceship? Well the answer is scientifically logical it all comes down to one thing energy. Now although Ikaros has the ability to use massive a amounts of energy attacks that can practically destroy the earth Stein has one ability that can deflect all of ikaros’s attacks this being teh ability to project soul wavelengths. Now although  his ability involves specifically projecting soul wavelengths, one factor remains true all sould are made of energy and since ikaros uses energy to perform her attacks. Therefore proving that she indeed can have a soul, allowing stein to project an energy attacks she uses back at her. Even though she may have the Aegia shield the attack from her beam being projected back at her will cause her shield to shatter destroying her with it.

The Bad Ass: Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Vegeta

Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)

Description: Kenpachi is a tall muscular  and aggressive soul reaper, with a blodd thirsty attitude to match his strength. With a wil Rock star haircut and  an eye patch over one eye this is one man you do not want to meet in a drak ally or lead alone piss him off at the local bar. Other wise your in for the beating of your life.

Skills: kenpachi posesses a great skill as a swordsman in the art of both  Kendo  and Ryodan. While also being a great swordsman Kenpachi is also an expert at hand to hand combat with the ability to stop his opponents attacks with a single hand. This also has helped Kenpachi in  situation where the odds are stacked against him. What makes Kenpachi even more bad ass and deadly as an adversary is his immense amount of spiritual energy. Which he can use to do a variety of attacks and abilities such as exerting his energy waves  into a single shot which takes on a yellow like form when it is surged or sometimes in the form of a skull. Kenpachi is also very resistant to being damaged in battle turning his energy into an armor making it hard for any enemy to kill him. The most powerful technique Kempachi has is his  Unruly Reiatsu Control this ability allows him to use his spiritual energy to disrupt energy attacks in entire areas from miles away causing them to be in a state of confusion and paralyzes

Vegeta (dragonballz)

Description: Vegeta a prince of race known as the Saiyans  in which  are said to be the strongest warriors in the universe. Thisis proven through multiple levels of  an ability known as super sayian.  Vefgeta has a n aggressive nature in which he feels he has to prove he stronger then his adversary’s. he is not somoen you wnat to cross or piss of his strength has no measure  as well as his attitude.

Skiils: Vegeta has a bility to use a mode called super sayian which increases his strength speed and perception. However super syain has many levels beyond such as super sayain 2 , super saiyan 3 and Super sayian god. Though vegita could so far only go up to super saiyan 3  his powerful kick and punches as well as combinations of energy attacks like Gallic gun, destructo disk, and various other energy attacks make him  a feared opponent to any foe.

Winner: Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)

Ok Now your problably  saying to yourself “what the fuck how can Kenpachi beat Vegeta!?” Well this may sound repetitive but again it comes down to energy. Though this time in a different matter, Vegeta’s attacks really heavily on energy  as well as hand to hand combat. As powerful as Vegeta is in both of these aspects. Kempachi is also an expert on hand to hand combat specially when he is out numbered. If it came down to simple hand to hand combat this match would have been a tie however Kenpachi has one ace up his sleeve. That ace is his Unruly Reiatsu Control which allows him to affect entire areas with in miles by disrupting energy attacks putting his enemys in a state of confusion an paralyzes. Therefore allowing Kempachi to capitalize  on Vegeta’s defeat for it would render helpless and unable to defend him self.

Thank you for reading the first round of the cute the weird and the badd ass if there any others that you would like to see in the next round levae a cooment below and check out  live online radio show every monday from 7-Pm-9Pm EST also check out our latest episode in the widget below to hear us talk about this round and topic

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