Hello! I’m looking to cosplay Noah’s black military uniform from Xenoblade 3, but I’m unsure how to go about patterning the outerwear. The sweater and pants won’t be an issue, but something about the jacket ensemble is really throwing me off. Any advice for someone new to patterning would be appreciated. Thank you!


Hello there!

This seems to be based off an Inverness coat, like the kind Sherlock Holmes is traditionally depicted as wearing.

I assume the part you are having trouble with is the cape assembly, which is exactly what an Inverness cape pattern will get you. The front needs to be open, which is easy to modify from almost any coat pattern with a center front opening (even a double breasted coat would be easy enough to modify to that center front opening), and it is held together in front by the belts.

The cape assembly will be the same as your pattern, but you will likely need to shorten the length of it. It also appears that the coat in question has a double cape – I would shorten the cape pattern even further and shape it into that shape, and sew it to the longer undercape at the neck. When you sew the collar on, the edge there should be hidden.

The rest is basically changing the shapes of hems and such and adding surface decorations.

I hope that helps! Good luck :]

Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter

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