I started Cosplay and TheCosplayChronicles knowing one day, I will be leaving it. But despite knowing that, I did all I could to bring life to it, work hard for it and love it. Even though i started this journey knowing it will eventually end, I still found it difficult to believe I am actually typing these out now. Ah, such is the queerness and delicateness of the human emotions.

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even my last video must have such an ugly still -_-#

I’m sorry if I’m talking incoherently. I’m really very sleepy and physically tired.

Like I mentioned in my video, this never-ending cycle of To-Do-Lists and late night sleep is really tearing me apart. Once in a while is fine but continuously for 5 years??

Unlike those high profile Youtubers and Bloggers, Youtube and Blogging is NOT my full time job. What that meant is on top of my job, I am producing videos from start to end, blogging , covering events, holding interviews, making costumes, cosplaying and all those other jibber jabbers. However, having a full time job, making videos and writing blogs does not give me any excuses to slack off on other areas in my life. People around me still expect me to fulfil my responsibilities.

I constantly found it difficult to explain to people around me why I’m late, why I’m tired and why I don’t have enough time. Even people in this community found it difficult to understand and empathise with my pain and fatigue. People wonder what’s so difficult about going to an event, take some photos and then write about it. Why is it difficult? It’s difficult because I have to prepare my equipment and myself for the event, go down physically, spend a few hours there (which usually tends to be the useful part of the day ) trying to get as many good shots as I can then spend a few more hours editing the photos, watermarking them and then uploading them. The effort might not be huge but everything adds up and …hey, I only have 24 hours too!

So while I know I’m going to miss TheCosplayChronicles and I feel sorry for abandoning it after putting so much effort to build it up, I’m also relieved to get my life back. In line with my decision, I will be deleting this blog and the youtube channel away. So if you find any blog entry/tutorials/videos useful, save it onto your HDD now!

Also, like I mentioned in the video, I will be quitting cosplay too due to family issues. I will slowly proceed to delete away all my cosplay photos online and if you receive a request from me, please bear with my request ;_;. While it hurts a lot to part with Cosplay, I have decided that it is just a hobby and I should put my family first.

I will still continue to read manga, watch anime and support Japanese pop-culture though =) So the next time you see me at an event, remember to say hi! And even though I’m quitting cosplay, I hope all the friends I made through this hobby will stay with me = I won’t cosplay anymore but I can still be your saikang warrior!


(c) The Cosplay Chronicles – Read entire story here.