Yes ! Massive giveaway to make up for the April’s Fool Joke.


Neon Genesis Evangelion X Portraits figurine with stand. The figurine in this case features Ayanami Rei in her plugsuit with 2 interchangeable arms.


Cosplay Photo book with Video DVD. Featuring Yuri Inaba as Hatsune Miku. Kindly given by her to you guys!!! <3


Uta Pri cosplay photobook. Cosplays by Aly Ciel Roses and Min Twinklee. I bought this during SMASH2012 for you guys and ….don’t ask me why I’m only giving it away now /_


SHeryl Nome Cosplay Photo Book & Video DVD. Cosplay by AKIRA from Japan ! She’s very genki and cute and she’s a WCS representative for 2007/2010!


Diabolik Lovers (Chibi form) paper coasters. I got them from ANIMATE when we were invited to their Ikebukuro premise last october as a CoFesta Ambassador. I will try to blog about my animate trip soon!!

STEP 1) To win the merchandise, do either of the below …

* Every single Like/follow/subscribe is counted as one individual entry!

STEP 2) Then come back here to post a comment with either a direct link to show that you are following me, or tell your username so I can search for you. Alternatively, you can submit a screen cap.

* Please make sure to leave one comment for each entry otherwise I will count it as just one entry =)

Giveaway ends on 9th of April and will be announced here. I have decided it’s only fair for the winner to take the effort to check back at the blog instead of having myself chase after them for their address.

If the winner doesn’t reply within the given deadline, the merchandise will be given to a next winner! I will bear SGD5 of the shipping and if there is anymore, the winner will have to pay for it him/herself. This giveaway is open to anyone worldwide ^_^/
(c) The Cosplay Chronicles – Read entire story here.