I’m sorry for the lack of updates in this blog, I’ve just been so engrossed with life and kdramas hahaha.

I had the chance to finally cosplay this old series last october. Can you believe this cosplan has been 6 years in the making?! Yes, Zephyus and I were intending to debut it at AFA 2010 – the year we represented Singapore to take part in the AFA Regional Cosplay Competition. Can’t believe how fast time flew! We didn’t eventually managed to finish our costumes and things just kept dragging since everyone was busy. I must admit I was surprised we even managed to have the shoot done haha.

Most of my costume was made in 2010 with exception of the headdress, gun, pouch, gloves and shoes. Darn am I glad my fabric lasted so well! Special thanks to Nik for the lovely photographs and Sara for being our angel helper!  Of course, the shoot wouldn’t be possible without my Chrno so major thanks to Zephyus for going along with the cosplay ^_^

Rosette Christopher: Kaika/ The Cosplay Chronicles

Edit: Kaika 

Assistance: Sara

Since we were shooting in a park of sort, the mosquitoes there were merciless. With my exposed thighs , I was like bait meat in a tank of sharks. Needless to say, I did not return unscathed.

In case anyone’s interested in the decorative armour on my costume, they were done with compressed foam, gold pleather, gold 3D paint and erasers refills. I cut the gold pleather and used it as a base, then I stuck the cut-out compressed foams onto it. Embellished the edges with the 3D paint and stuck little pieces of the erasers as ‘studs’. Finally I spray painted everything and did some rudimentary weathering.

Without further ado, please enjoy the photographs!








It was nice to finally shoot this old series we’ve been a fan of for so long. It felt like a dream came true even though it was so many years late haha.

I hope you enjoyed the photographs, we invested a lot of effort into it. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

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