Naruto Manga - 670 - 01Since the very beginning we all thought that Naruto was the next sage of six paths. SURPRISE! And you know what I am kinda glad it turn out this way because it actually made sense. The reason why I say that is because ever since Obito absorbed the ten tailed beast and gained the sage of six paths power it no longer looked impossible to reach that level of power. Then Madara gained the sage’s power. I wouldnt be surprise if Kakashi gains the sage of six paths powers as well. See what I mean.

In Chapter 670 of naruto we learn who the real sage of six paths is and boy am I glad to finally see him. This whole time we only saw silhouettes of the sage but never his real face. Not only did we see the sage of six paths face but also we saw his mother named Kaguya.

sage of six paths mother

Remember when we learned the sage of six paths. The first person to ever mentioned it was Jiraiya (miss you so much dude). Then Pain mentioned the sage of six paths. Finally Tobi(Obito) told Sasuke the history of the sage of six paths and how Naruto and Sasuke were destine to fight for eternity due to the legacy the sage left behind. So now in chapter 670 of Naruto it is reveal by the sage of six paths who appeared right before Naruto that is the reincarnation of Ashura the sage’s son. What I dont understand is why did they called the sage Rikudo when his real name is Hagoromo.


So not only that but Hagoromo also reveals that he had a brother and that him and his brother fought and defeated the bijuu and locked its power inside their body. Hagoromo took that power and divided it into nine parts and gave them names.

Genius VS Hard Work(the eternal battle)

Here comes my favorite part. Remember in the first series of Naruto when Naruto fought Neji at the Chuunin tournament. Neji always talked shit about how the Hokages were destine to become Hokages because their past lives had set that destiny for them. He said that hard work alone is not enough. That you must be born to be a Hokage by blood and destiny. That hard work alone is good but no enough for success. I remember those good old episodes. I never get tire of them.


The reason why I bring this up is because it is the same with Naruto and Sasuke. So Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura the son of Hagoromo who was gifted with great body stamina. The older son was named Indra and he was the one with the Sharingan eye. Indra was a genius, everything came to him Naturally. Indra was considered a genius and had great sense of battle. Indra understood that with power anything can come true. The thing about Indra is that he did everything by himself without the help of anyone. He was very different. In this case we can see a lot of Sasuske. The Uchiha clan inherit Indras sharingan and his natural sense for battle and power and chakra.

On the other hand Ashura was not very gifted and he was not good at doing anything. Since childhood that is how Ashura was. He could never do anything right. To gain the same mastery level as Indra, Ashura had to work hard with much effort with the cooperation of other people. By suffering and training really hard Ashura gained the same powers as Indra. You can see a lot of Naruto here right. That is how it was.


Ashura understood that working with others made him strong while Indra(sasuke) wanted to do things alone because he knew he was powerful. Ashura understood love, cooperation and working with others. The sage of six path knew that there was a real possibility with Ashura’s believe of cooperation.

The beginning of the war was when Hagoromo (sage of six paths) chose Ashura as the successor of Ninshuu(different than ninjutsu). Hagoromo thought that Indra would cooperate but Indra did not accept. He felt betrayed by his father for not chosing him and indra oppose his brother and ever since then the body(senju) and the mind (uchiha) have been fighting.

Realize that the sage invented Ninshuu not ninjutsu. Ninjutsu was made for war and Ninshuu was made for peace. I am not sure how they differ in use but that is what they are called.

People are saying that ever since chapter 670 the theme of Naruto has been lost. The entire theme of Naruto was about this little ninja boy wanting to become Hokage. Its about Naruto overcoming obstacles. Yeah he is a descendant of the Senju (Ashura). Do you think Naruto would have become the Ninja that he is today if he would have bitched and cry and be all emo when people put him down because he was the nine tails.

Just because Naruto has the genetics of the senju clan does not make him powerful. It is his actions and hard work got him there.

Example: my father could be a multi millionaire and I could inherit that money but that does not mean I am as good as my father. In fact I am shit compare to my father because my father actually worked hard to become a millionaire. I could be sitting on my dads money like a lazy shit.

The theme of Naruto is that you might be gifted but if I work hard I can overcome you. And I can relate so much with that. I grew up around so called naturals and people that were considered Naturals and lucky.

To finalize this. The sage of six paths appeared because Naruto had connected with the chakra of the tailed beast which the sage had used himself. I also like how the sage of six paths looks. It seems that the rinnegan is part of the power of the ten tailed beast. I believe that now Naruto will use some of the power of the tail beast or learn it from the sage. Madara has to be stopped one way or another. After all this whole war was because of Madara. Hashirama did once tried to make Madara the Hokage so that he can be in charge and lead the shinobi world to a better future. That was the whole purpose of the village to bring together all clans. However Madara refused Hashiramas offer of peace and decided to come up with a better plan.

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(c) – Read entire story here.