My name is Akiko. I am the last female Saiyan, and I have finally found King Vegeta.

To others, he may be a prince, but he is the king of my heart. I’ve been searching for so long. And I’ve finally found him.

I’ve been watching, you see, with the same type of technology these Earthling miscreants created, for the longest time. Waiting. It’s difficult to stay hidden in the shadows while the years pass and the battles become more intense. But soon, I will have him. He will come around to me, where he belongs. He will take his throne, and slowly we will rebuild the Saiyan race, one child at a time.

I can still remember his last caress before he was sent out to scout for suitable planets with that brute Nappa. We were only children then, but I was promised to him. We belonged together. Before that wretched Frieza betrayed us all, anyway.

But there’s something else I came to Earth for. Something I need to do first.
It’s time for me to make my move. Currently, I’m waiting outside the Capsule Corporation headquarters, wearing what human clothing I could salvage from the wreckage of a few car “accidents” I may have caused.

My long raven hair is styled into two pigtails and my lips are lacquered with a deep crimson. My tail is covertly wrapped around my waist, and the “tank top” (or so I’ve heard it called) I ripped from the corpse of a human woman really accentuates my figure. I look “fierce,” as I’ve heard human women describe themselves. Not that any of that matters if your power level is so insignificant that I can barely detect it when I scan the area. But if I had a cell phone, I might take one of those “selfies” human women take.

The duffel bag beside me is heavy, but it contains every bit of equipment I need for my plan to come to fruition. Saiyan males attack headfirst, but females need to be crafty to survive. And I’ve been waiting for this day for so long. I tuck some of the pink fur back into the duffel bag as I see my target approaching. Her hair is the hue of robin’s egg, and she’s clad in a gorgeous bright purple fursuit. So she chose to be a cat. That’s quite unexpected of her. As the human woman approaches me, she dons the finishing piece of her outfit while I empty the contents of my duffel bag.

“You Akiko?”

I slip into my own hot pink golden retriever fursuit and leer at her.

“I am.” A cocky grin spreads across my face as I see my prince looking down at me from an unobscured window behind that vile woman.

“You ready to get it on?”

“I’m ready.”

We kiss. A sloppy French one. Just, tongues everywhere. I can’t tell where her spit begins and mine ends. In this moment, I can feel every bit of desire for Vegeta draining out of my body and out of my mouth, Mysterious Girlfriend X style. Just, a whole bunch of saliva. It’s gross.
My name is Akiko. I am the last female Saiyan, and my fursona is a pink golden retriever.
If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day

– “If Today Was Your Last Day”, Nickelback

King Vegeta's Queen screenshot

(c) Japanator – Read entire story here.