Happy April’s Fool! I hope I punk’d you well with the previous update. *runs*

I’d like to let you know that that was the first ever April’s Fool joke I’ve ever really pulled in my life. It started off with me feeling tired of TCC’s current layout and Modus Operandi and desperately wanting a change, an upgrade! So I spend the past few months brainstorming and researching and…. let’s just say I’m not there yet. *sigh* I did however slogged out a new web layout (massively edited from an existing template) and decided to implement the Share Something! feature first.

And before I knew it, 1st of April was coming and I figured that there’s no better time than now to launch the new layout and Share Something! feature. I’ve been harping this since a couple years back but I’m really looking to make TheCosplayChronicles more interactive and engaging with the readers. So if you guys have any comments , requests or feedback, feel free to leave a comment and let me know! I’m also looking to expand Content contributors!

The Giveaway details are on my previous blog. Or you can click this link here.

Very randomly, I just had an internal breakdown and felt so dejected I almost wanted to cry. The new blog template wasn’t working well with TCC’s current setting, Blogspot was being a nuisance and my new template looked horrible. Then I tried to reinstall my previous Shana template and they told me my template backup had error T_T I felt like it was retribution or something T___T

The template still looks buggy and all but it’s near 3am now and I haven’t even bathed! Been doing all these blog stuffs ever since I reached home LOL…. Good Nights guys!

(c) The Cosplay Chronicles – Read entire story here.