Galilei Donna is a story about three sisters descending from the great Galileo Galilei. As such they are said to possess a treasure. It also seems that said treasure can save the word and everyone seems to be ready to do anything to steal it.

That is how the story starts.

galilei donna
I remember finding the first episode pretty nice to watch. It had all the ingredients of a Hollywood super production. Explosions, a big company trying to crush people, sexy heroines, murders and a nice mean of transportation.

(But obviously since we are talking about Japan there, the means of transportation is a giant flying mecha goldfish.)

And with this I will be talking with one of my main complaints about this anime. Why, just why set it in Italy to finally make a Japanese kind of goldfish the mascot? Seriously, it probably should not have bothered me as much as it did but I cannot really help it. Considering the whole setting of the thing, it striked me as strange, it did not seem believable to me. Not at all.

Second thing that bothered me quite a lot is how short it was. I am again usually fine with shorter things, especially when they wrap up their stories, and Gallilei Donna did wrap up its story. Somehow. But at the same time the ending felt rushed and it they lost some important time to develop some kind of hopeless love story. It developed a bit too many love stories for an anime that was supposed to be full of action.

I honestly did not even know what kind of public it was trying to pander to after a while. That was a bit too much and too fast, that was a bit annoying for me.

As for the plot in itself, it was not too bad, classic but not too bad, it is always entertaining to follow girls who flee evil.

It also did a great job at interesting me in the world they live in. Unfortunately, it being so short also means that a lot is lost in terms of world building. I honestly would not a mind a sequel just for this.

You might have guessed that the anime has three main characters, the three sisters.

Hozuki is a bit annoying, I do not mean I disliked her but I found her to be the less believable of them all. Everything seems too easy for her, it is a bit annoying, who the hell can build a mecha from scratch in a world where energy is scarce.

Probably my least favorite of the sisters.

Kaa-nee is the quiet type, she did not get a lot of development sadly but at the same time it did not feel like she needed some to be at the very least believable.

Now my favorite of the sisters, Hazuki, that girl is awesome. She has the most exuberant personality, definitely not shy but also not too smart and definitely endearing. Because she tries, even if she fails she tries for the sake of trying.

I quite liked her interaction with the space pirate, that probably is my favorite of the romances in this anime, it is love at first sight but not totally recognized as such, it was actually pretty cute.

That must be because I liked the pirate as a character, it is the perfect stereotype of the villain that turns not to be so villainy but I could not help but fall in love with him as soon as he appeared. (Being voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya DID help, let’s not deny the evidence.) Actually, Hiroshi Kamiya DID help with everything. I am not sure I would have loved it as much without his presence and the presence of his characters. Because to be honest, he was the only seiyuu to really stand out in this anime.

The main complaint I have with the characters is the same I have with the plot, it was too much too soon. I should have known from the start, I did know it was only supposed to be 11 episodes long, but it still felt a disappointment. You can do awesome even with only 11 episodes. It is a shame that Gallilei Donna didn’t live up.

I still would recommend it because I did spend a good moment watching this and I was still excited whenever a new episode came out. However I have to recognize that this is going to be an anime which is going to be forgotten by the anime lovers really soon.

(c) Organization Anti-Social Geniuses – Read entire story here.