I’ve been wanting to reshoot this old costume for a long while and I’m thrilled to finally do it last october. The costume is actually nearly a decade old and it’s the only costume to be hanging in my closet for the past 9 years. When I cosplayed Quistis, my dressmaking skills was still pretty noob so I got my dad to make the top for me. He made the base of the coat while I went ahead to add the lapels and embellishments. My parents aren’t exactly thrilled with my hobby but they let me do what I want and occasionally, they step in to help. Which is why this costume has a special place in my heart because my dad made half of it =)


And because I used really good quality fabric, the costume has remained in mint condition. Save the satin part which has definitely started to lose it’s shine, which was the reason why it needs a reeshoot before it turns matte entirely haha. Special thanks to Ahbutography for having this photoshoot with me and to Evonne for her awesome assistance!



Quistis Trepe: Kaika
Photo: AhButography
Assistance: Evonne










I hope you guys enjoyed the photographs. Sorry if the blog article has too little words – a picture speaks a thousand words right xD?

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