Ken's hostess talks about treasuring the love Ken has for Jun right now despite past regret of not knowing him earlier, The Yakuza's Bias.ALT

I’ve been re-reading The Yakuza’s Bias recently and I got to really examine this scene again. Although there’s hilarious context, there’s something to be said about saying statements like “I wish I found/met this person earlier in my life.”

I think about my life now and how much I wished I had the people I have right now in my life 20 years ago. Those early years weren’t the best for me. I was just distraught and scared despite having a relatively decent early adulthood.

It makes me realize that I could have reached out to more people instead of just my close circle. Maybe if I had what I had back then, I would have not believe in my mental health diagnosis all that much.

And the hostess above is right about one thing. I’ve met the people that have currently shaped my life when I really needed them the most. I love the memories I have right now. I wouldn’t have gotten any other time – mostly due to how fandom is appreciated now compared to then.

I know some of you may have experienced what I’ve felt. Just enjoy the ride and treasure whatever love you feel right now because life’s still fragile. No one knows what will happen, but let love grow inside and make you biased towards feeling alive.

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