When I first moved to San Francisco in 2008, I had little idea what to do with myself, beyond knowing that I had graduated with a degree in “Communications” and probably should be working. So I took a writing workshop that included an introduction to Screenplay Writing at the library.

One of the first exercises was to adapt part of a non-film work into three scenes, following formatting instructions from a pamphlet on how to write a screenplay. To prevent copy-pasting from the internet, we worked on typewriters, and were limited to what books we had with us or could find in the library itself. All I had with me were a PlayStation Portable, a copy of the then newly-released Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, and a save file containing this this scene.

The rest, as they say, is a screenplay:

Birthday Rouge

Written by

Josh Tolentino

Birthday Rouge

Birthday Rouge screenshot

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(c) Japanator – Read entire story here.