Hello everyone! I’m currently fighting exams and trying to balance school and writing. Despite this, I’m participating in something known as a 30 Day Anime Challenge. (Or 31 days in this case.) If you haven’t been with me since the beginning, you may not know exactly what this is so here’s a brief explanation.

Basically every day you’re prompted with a question. It has something to do with anime, and is usually one that makes you think about anime in ways you haven’t before. It’s very interesting, because not only do you get to have fun and talk about yourself, you get to meet other people who have similar likes and dislikes.

The one I’m taking part of is AniMarch. For more info about it, please check this link. I encourage people to participate, even if you don’t have a blog of your own. Share with your friends and have fun!

If you’re curious please check out the Tumblr version of this blog using the link above! Thanks!
(c) SSD 2.0 ~ What Is Anime? What Is Culture? – Read entire story here.