After our NHK trip we had a bit of time and they brought us to Shibuya for shopping !


Evangeline took this photo of us with our loot at the end of the shopping trip. We looked so happy haha. To read about my Shibuya 101 shopping trip, pop over to my personal/beauty blog. Alodia and Xiaxue pretty much bought the entire mall but Nikita, Angie and myself had other plans for our cash. We decided to go to the Alice in Dancing Land Cafe that was just around the corner. I said just around the corner but it was more like many many corners @-@ thank goodness Nikita had fabulous memory and totally retraced the steps back ! I was so impressed!

Ok enough flab and on to the cafe!


Website link:
Shopping Mall link:
Address: Shibuya PARCO, ?150-0042 ??????????16?9?, ?????, ??1F
Zero gate B1, 16-9, Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0042
Tel: 03-3770-2750

The cafe is located within Shibuya area and within the mall called Shibuya PARCO. It is not very conspicuous so look out for the wall stickers ! The cafe is just one level down the stairs you can find on the side

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Do you see Alice’s silhouette on the right corner?

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This is the wall motifs that tells you where the cafe is. Look out for it!

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I cannot stop laughing at Ashley’s face here xD Go watch the video if you wanna know what happened xD


Alice in Dancing Land, Fantasy Dining is located in Basement 1


The first thing that greets you is a long flight of stairs down. The ambience light and music starts creating the ambience immediately ! My photos have been lomo-fied so it doesn’t actually look so dark in real life ^^;


Then another long flight of stairs down but this time you can see the entire cafe. Right in the centre of it is a carousel with lights ! Each section of the carousel is a table for the customers ! And that’s where we sat !


I think the cafe mandates each patron to purchase at least a set meal so if you were intending to come for a drink, you might get chased out lol.


I cannot remmeber the minimum price of items on the menu, but I remembered this meal didn’t cost me much. I got the Caesar salad and Creme Brulee set.

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Nikita and Angie got the Super cute cheshire cat meringue parfait. I remember quite enjoying my croutons and salad but Nikita felt her Cheshire cat parfait was average. But you have to admit the food display was full of win and that’s what themed cafes are all about lol!


We also purchased the free flow drink set and thus were led to the drinks section.


It was a little corner with dim lights and they had an good array of tea! The tea flavours were pretty unique too xD . Inside the room there was a small horse statue light stand and the walls were painted purple with random gothic images.


The walls outside in the main area was also painted to the theme with a huge mural of the iconic humpty dumpy … okay I couldn’t quite make out what scene in the story it was illustrating.

The cafe is actually pretty small and cozy with interesting set ups and comfortable ambience. But I’d say don’t come with too high an expectation as that is really all.


Nikita noticed an interesting thing while we were on our way out. It was a sentence of French lyrics engraved on to the railings of the stairs. Apparently It’s an old French song that was banned from broadcast in France due to the explicitness of the lyrics 😡 and the very line they quoted were probably the worse of it LOL. I shall not say it here but imagine my surprise and amazement when Nikita plainly translated it to me. It was very crude lol.


Hope you guys liked this!

(c) The Cosplay Chronicles – Read entire story here.