Remember when Anubis was the worst, most hateable character in this show? Ah, those were the days, because as much as he was a tool, he was at least a tool whose intentions were in line with his job. We could hate him for being mean to Sariphi, but we knew he thought he was doing what was best for the king and kingdom. Set, though? There are no such assurances with him, and the fact that he’s actively working to turn Anubis away from Leonhart should give us all pause. Why would he make the king’s most loyal chancellor forsake the monarch he’s devoted his entire life to? The answer can’t possibly be anything good, and the fact that the episode closes with Set forcing a reveal of Leonhart’s biracial heritage can only indicate ill intent.

There are plenty of reasons why he might be doing this, and we can’t say which it is right now. Certainly, a major possibility is the idea of racism, which this series has never been shy about tackling. The timing may also speak to that: Sari’s diplomatic mission to Yoana may not have been a resounding success, but it’s enough of a political triumph to make it look like things may be normalizing between Ozmargo and its human neighbors. Since that’s on the table, it also means that Sari and Leonhart getting married (thus making her the queen) is an even more real possibility because now Leo can point to it as a shrewd political move, as well as him marrying the woman he loves. After all, what better way to say that beasts and humans are equal than through matrimony, especially one based on love? But since nothing is set in stone yet, Set’s nasty little trick could be the wedge that keeps the two sides apart, especially if the assembled people rebel against the sudden truth that their king isn’t all beast. It would be a smart move on Set’s part, and while he’s an undeniable jerk, we haven’t necessarily seen any proof that he’s stupid.

In fact, his pursuit of Anubis’ support indicates the opposite. Anubis still isn’t thrilled with Sari, but he’s also clearly warming up to the idea of her as Leonhart’s wife (or at least is recognizing that there’s not much he can do about it), so if Set’s going to strike, he needs to do it now. And then, who’s left? Lante, Cy, Clops, and Amit are the only certainties (unless you count Bennu), but most of the other beasts are likely to be so floored by the reveal of Leo’s heritage that he could be deposed before they have time to pick their jaws up off the floor. Set seems to have planned this down to the last detail, and that’s very frightening.

The question of how Set found all of this out isn’t fully answered. We know that he’s been in the forbidden library of the royal family, so there may have been a diary similar to the one Sari got from Asya; a library barred to all but the royals would be as safe a place as any to store such a thing. (Unless you’re Set, who thinks rules are for others.) That sets up the question of whether Asya’s family diary will provide any new information that can help – it’s from the other side of the family, so even a different version of events could be telling. Asya also doesn’t seem likely just to sit tight if she hears what’s going on in Ozmargo, so we probably shouldn’t count her, Ocelot, and her scythe out just yet.

Even with a few rays of hope (of which I’m sure Lante counts himself the strongest), things look grim for Leonhart and, by extension, Sariphi. Surprises are a double-edged sword; you never know how people will react.


Sacrificial Princess & the King of Beasts is currently streaming on

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