So, I’m not quite sure how to describe what I’m trying to make. (Which shows how lost I am on how to do it) I want to cosplay Old Woman Josie from Welcome to nightvale, but I want to make her Angel’s following/standing around me as props. Im planning on two angels (right and left). I think the main thing stumping me is figuring out how to make a harness that will hold a decent amount of weight, how to connect the angels discreetly, and how to pull off a decent form on the angels while not weighing them down. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it so much!

Hello there!

I would look into wing and tail harnesses for this (I’m thinking the big Ahri type tails, not just a single cat tail). You can adapt these types of harnesses depending on how close to your body you want the figures – You can use them pretty much as-is if you want them very close to you, but might need to create some structure (additional wire? PVC pipe? Dowels? This will depend on your harness and how heavy your figures are) that holds them away from you and is hidden somehow by the figures themselves if you want a little distance.

Some ideas on the angels themselves:

Starch and cheesecloth, like those Halloween ghosts. Would need at least some internal structure to hold the shape, but might get a cool draped effect.

Fosshape, which is a fabric thermoplastic, but a bit pricey. This can make hollow forms without a lot of weight.

Inflatable dolls that get clothed. Also very cheap and light and wouldn’t need much extra skill to sculpt.

Sculpt out of foam like a puppet or fursuit. (Fursuit tutorials might be a good place to look here)

A wire form with paper mache, foam, fabric, or other covering (chicken wire, perhaps?). This would be a bit heavier but would allow more flexibility.

It really depends on the look you want, your skill level, and budget, so hopefully one of these ideas sparks something in you.

I hope this helps, and good luck! :]

Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter

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