Zom 100 quote, part 2
Zom 100 quote, part 3
Zom 100 quote, part 4

As much as I preach community, I know not every community has the best intentions. I also know there’s a balance between needing to be loved versus wanting to be free.

But I want to believe that people should at least have the right to choose what they want. While needs and helping people are definitely important, if the relationship doesn’t go both ways to satisfy each other’s needs in an equal manner, it’s time to put up the boundaries.

Freedom can indeed be very scary, but as ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead is showing here, you’re more resilient than you think. It’s tempting to become a zombie living in comfort (that mostly benefits someone else) and there’s definitely social forces that try to drag you in, but there’s people out there who genuinely want you to live your best life and appreciate the person you want to be.

You’re not a zombie. You’re not a machine. You’re a human being and deserve a community that acknowledges you as such.

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