Had it not been for The Last Airbender, Nickelodeon would probably not get as much attention as it use to. I mean seriously, the rest of the shows in Nickelodeon cannot compete with The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Perhaps Ben 10 but even so it is not as inspiring as the The Avatar. Feel free to disagree, after all, art is subjective.

Anyways. Legend of Korra has been one hell of a show. The legacy of the Avatar has change since season 2. I mean the Avatar world will be so different now with the new turn ups. The idea of the Avatar has changed since Korra no longer has connections to her past lives. So what does this mean? It means it is going to be a new beginning or should I say a new lore for the idea of what the Avatar should be.

Season 2

avatar wanWe saw Wan, the very first Avatar who was responsible for the release of Vatuh. Had it not been for him then Aang would have never ran away. (Just kidding) But seriously I cant believe that the first Avatar was some homeless thief but then again that makes it more interesting. I guest most adventures start with humble beginnings. The Lion turtles were incredible. It was because of the Lion Turtles that people were able to bend the element. The Lion Turtles could grant the power of bending because they knew how to “bend the energy within.” The only thing about season two is that I wished the creators would have chosen a better villian. I feel as though waterbenders just dont make good villians. (Do you agree?) At the same time it wasnt bad. I also enjoy the gloomy twins. They kicked ass. The ending of season 2 I believe was inspired by Pacific Rim. I mean how could it not be. Just look at the similarities. The creators must love giant robot fights. However they could have giving Korra a better design. Unalaqs design when he merged with Vatuh was super cool and Korra was just a blue giant. Then ending was good and it really makes you think about what is going to happen in book 3 now that the spirits are released in the world. Which leads me to our next section.

Season 3 – what to expect

There are incredible surprises in book 3 that you are all going to love. The villians and some Last Airbender nostalgia. First of all lets talk about what Unalaq left behind. When Unalaq became a giant merged with Vatuh he summoned upon the republic city the spirit wilds. Yes those vines that wrapped around the city. That is where the spirits will live.

In season 3 Korra will be traveling throughout the earth kingdom and we all know what that means. “Its a long, long way to Ba Sing Se.” Yes I still remember that song. Thank you uncle Iro. Also Korra will be paying a visit to the fire nations in season 3. I am excited because I hope we get to see King Zuko and his crazy bitch sister  Azula. Yes Azula is still around. Now here are a couple of more things that are sure to appear in season 3 according to the creators.

The White Lotus


I know what you are thinking. Uncle Iro is dead so he wont be joining us. In fact we saw him in season 2 in the spirit world. Seeing Iro in the spirit world really brought me back to the good old days with Zuko and drinking tea with uncle. Now according to the screen shots of season 3.  It looks like the White Lotus are back. They were basically a secret society and they actually help fight against the fire lord when sozins comet painted the world with shapes of red and orange. I never understood the purpose of the White Lotus but in season 3 they will either be the bad guy or helping Korra with some adventure. In Screen shots of season 3 it seems like Korra was firebending with a White Lotus Member. This is going to be awesome because the White Lotus consist of water benders, earth benders and fire benders.

Dragons are back

avatar dragons

Yes the White Lotus seems to be affiliate with dragons in season 3. In the Last Airbender Aang and Zuko found the last dragons in book 3. Everyone thought that the dragons were extinct but the White Lotus knew were they were the entire time. It seems like they are the keepers of many secrets in the Avatar world.

Spirits corrupting people


In season 2 we saw the lore of Wan, the first Avatar or as I like to call him the catalyst of the Avatar world. In the spirit wilds, when ever a spirit entered the body of a human, the human became corrupted and they could possibly die (or so said that annoying spirit that disliked Wang). This could also be happening in season 3 of Korra since the spirits and humans will now be living as one in the planet.

Korra knows energy bending


The first Avatar that learned energy bending thanks to harmonic convergence. Now we first saw energy bending when Aang fought the fire lord and strip the bastard of his fire bending abilities. The lion turtle taught Aang energy bending but in Korra we saw it in action when she fought Unalaq. I am sure that there will be more energy bending in season 3.

Korra must enter the avatar state by her self

So thanks to Unalaq Korra lost connection with all the avatars. Roku, Aang, Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Wang Chang. All her past lives. She has lost connection. Meaning that she can no longer speak to them in the real world she must go to where they are in the spirit world. But she can still enter the Avatar state without them. Now she probably wont be able to use techniques from previous Avatars because remember in the Avatar state Korra has access to all the bending abilities of her past lives. Hmmmm….Korra can become the perfect Avatar and remember she is the first one to fully learn energy bending.

No more teen romance


Yes! One of the things that I didnt like in season one was the awkward and unnecessary teenage romance. It seems to me like the creators were trying to do a Naruto and Twilight love triangle. I hated it honest and most fans did even the females. So the creators decided that there would be no more teenage romance and just straight up action WOOOOOOOOO!. Thank you Michael Danteh Dimartino, you do something that most franchises just dont do . You listen to your fans…

More Bumi and Beifong


Honestly is a little messed up to say but I didn’t really care about Bumi that much. Aang’s only son that is not a bender. He didn’t really got my attention, not even his comedy. But it seems like Aang was not a very good father. A distant father in fact so there will be more reveal in season 3 about Aangs fatherhood. (Shame on you Aang). Also Beifong who is Tophs daughter. She is a metal bender and since season 3 will be mostly in the earth kingdom, Beifong will play an important part in this season. We will get to know who Beifongs father was. We only got a glimpse of Toph in season 1 when Toph and Aang were 40 years old. I think we will find out how Aang died in season 3. Just a possibilities.

Season 4 confirmed.

So Nickelodeons only show that seems to be dominating their channel and business is Legend of Korra or the Avatar franchise in general. Nickelodeon asked the creators for a season 4 and a season 5 or Korra. The creators agreed to a season 4 but declined season 5. They said that they are exhausted from working on Korra so much that they need to take a vacation. I cant blame them. Thank you so much Michael Danteh Dimartino.

Release date.

Ok so Season 3 of Korra since its demographics is high school kids, Nickelodeon wants to air it during early summer or just before the fall. No exact date has been confirmed but it will be release in 2014 ( by the way New Sailor Moon is being release this summer as well).

2014 just keeps getting better and better.

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(c) – Read entire story here.