Awesome Blog Content Award picture.

Normally I could care less about awards or recognition, but this is kind of cute to pass up. I got nominated for an ABC (Awesome Blog Content) Award by the fine folks of Organization Anti-Social Geniuses and now I’m supposed to take every letter of the alphabet and share something about me that starts with it.

In return, I have to nominate a few blogs who may or may not respond back with their own ABC content. Besides, it’s kind of tricky since I don’t read too many anime blogs out there. I do rely on Otaku Links and Reference Resource Mondays to get by at times so go check them out! I’m still in the process of setting up a good links page for you guys.

What I’m about to say are things that I haven’t mentioned throughout the blog and may not be anime/manga-related, so here we go!

A – Asian Pride. I was guilty of this back in high school. Yes, I said things like “AZN PRIDE 4EVA!” with little regard to my sanity. However, being prideful in a mature manner isn’t so bad.

B – Bronchitis. This was one of my excuses to get out of class in junior high. Seriously. I do think that I may have overestimated my pain or maybe I hated certain classes at times. I never thought I could be deceptive if I wanted to.

C – Conan O’Brien. He was one of my inspirations during my college years. Conan helped to bring about the self-deprecating side of me. One of his quotes stands out to me today.  

D – DINOSAURSSSSSSS! Remember those Scholastic Book Club catalogs where you can order books in elementary schools? The first one I ever got was a book about dinosaurs during kindergarten. 

E – Evolution. I believe in it. All 1,072 pounds of it. 

F – Freedom. One of my favorite songs from the early ’90s.

G – Girls. My fetish is the whole category (as a friend once told me). Sigh.

H – Hot Dogs. They are gross. Why do some people like to eat them so much? Part of me feels like hot dogs represent how society revolves around taking something long and firm for the team.

I – “If you do, you can.” When my dad first came to the US, he said those were the first English words he understood besides “yes” and “no.” Simple but very effective. 

J – Jughead Jones. I was like him when I was a kid. All I did was eat food and not care about girls. Too bad puberty changed all that!

K – K’ from “The King of Fighters.” He’s one of my favorite fighting game protagonists ever. You can say he’s the “chaotic good” archetype. If Spike Siegel became an emo fighting game character, it would be K’. And I can’t say enough about how cool his Chain Drive move is.

L – LINE. I love using it! I wish more people were on the app! Add me (mangatherapy) if you want to share cute Brown/Cony/Sally/James/Moon stickers with me! 

M – Mack. I was called this back in high school. What’s funny was that I enjoyed the attention because I used to be very uncomfortable talking to girls. Now I wonder if some otaku could learn the same lessons I took.

N – Nine Inch Nails. One of my favorite music acts ever. I loved them since “Closer.” I’m glad Trent Reznor is still as angry as ever, but healthier. He looks a lot better than when he was younger.

O – Orgies. Create them, but with more PG-rated activities and interests. 

P – Penmanship. CAN WE PLEASE TEACH THIS AGAIN!? I love to sign my name properly.

Q – Question Everything. I worry that not many people are doing this. It’s something I’m trying to work on. Things aren’t always what they seem to be. There’s good and bad in everything.

R – Ryan Gosling. I have a somewhat odd fascination with him as I want to have his baby and then leave me and not pay child support.

S – Sacramento Kings. My favorite basketball team. I actually wrote an article comparing the Kings’ glory days and anime’s rise in America during the early-to-mid-2000s’. What the Kings are doing right now with technology reminds me of Crunchyroll’s involvement with the anime industry.

T – Telekinesis. My secret desire is to be like Carrie or Jean Grey one day.

U – Ultimate Spider-Man. This was one of my favorite comics and it made me see why Spider-Man was a great hero. The first issue is one of the rare modern comics that’s as expensive as some of the really old stuff.

V – VD. Seth Green gave it to me in 2009 at New York Comic-Con. I never got cured. Being vapor-dense sucks.

W – Waterever. From the greatest Tumblr ever. We live and die by water, you know.

X – XXX Parodies of Every Popular Show/Movie/Anime Possible. Seriously, just stop. I know the adult film industry is doing bad just like every other industry, but no one wants to see their childhood memories or darkest fantasies being ruined for people to see. Some of them are funny though.

Y – YOU. I love you forever and ever! My heart can’t stop beating when I’m around you! SENPAI, PLEASE NOTICE ME!

Z – Zero-Shiki/Stance. The ultimate move of the Gatotsu. It’s probably the most plain finishing technique ever, but it looks the easiest to copy. I like to do the motion sometimes. Using your upper-body muscles never felt so badass and awkward at the same time. 

Hope you guys enjoyed my wacky alphabet soup and a special thanks for Justin for nominating me. Go visit him at OASG. He’s one of the hardest-working anime bloggers around.

What are the ABCs of your life like? Hopefully, it’s much better than being squeezed by clay everyday!

Robot Chicken autograph by Seth Green with message about VD.

(c) Manga Therapy – Where Psychology & Manga Meet – Read entire story here.