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Doubts and temptation are in Yukine´s heart and to make things worse, Bishamon appears. She is hot and powerful and has tons of regalias with her. She is angry with Yato and wants revenge. Things are getting interesting. Again, We are hearing how bad Yato was in the past.   There is a final showdown between Bishamon and Yato. Luckily, Kofuki arrives and saves the day…sort of.  Also, We see that girl, Nora talking with Yato. An ex regalia for what it seems. Whats behind her story and motivations?

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This is quite a development and I wonder if Yukine will be on the other side…the dark side.  Yato is suffering with Yukine and this might be the core of this arc.

(c) Cartoon Leap Anime Blog – Read entire story here.