I have a confession to make.

I really love the original NES Strider. Yes, it’s glitchy, unpolished, and generally a confusing oddity. I understand all of that. But for every strange design decision that didn’t work, there are flashes of greatness. The almost-Metroid style sense of adventure, the power-ups, the nonsensical story; I find the original Strider to be a fascinating experiment and product of its time.

One can imagine then that the announcement of a new exploration-focused Strider game got me more than a bit excited. I had zero confidence in Double Helix Games to create a good follow-up to the long dormant series, but the participation of Capcom’s Osaka Studio kept me hopeful.

While Strider 2014 isn’t quite the legendary game that some of its predecessors were, I think Double Helix is off to a good start.

Review: Strider screenshot

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