Featured Image Feb 16

Dear All,

It’s me again! DarrenW, and I’m back! Hahaha not expecting that were you.

Well, long story short, I took a long break, and it took awhile before things could really settle down. When I was on break I discovered a few things.

  1. I became very bored due to my mundane job.
  2. I started to lose interest in Anime & Manga (Not a good thing)
  3. Lifetime project started to become very dry (lacked inspiration)

I started to realize that the project, however grand and detailed as it was planned out it to be, was going to take a very very long time to develop, even with the level of expertise being presented to it. You can say I’m “Stalling”…

In the end, it all boiled down to whether I could manage my time properly as an individual. After I sorted out my priorities, then it began to sink in that I should be dedicating some time to WWHC. It was something I spent a lot of time on, and I shouldn’t just give up on my long-term end-goal.

This hiatus, if you call it, gave me some time to reflect on myself and prepare for the future.

Stay tuned for some content. Me and my fellow friends have reinvented the design to better suit you viewers. We are also working on new ways to improve the content we provide to you all. And hello again guys!


The post Resumption of Service appeared first on WWHCurrent Anime & Manga Society.

(c) WWHCurrent Anime & Manga Society – Read entire story here.