Normal High School Girls Tried Being Local Idols is anime being produced by feel, and is being directed by Munenori Nawa. Yuniko Ayana is in charge of the series scripts, and Yumi Shimizu is designing the characters. The series is scheduled to debut on Japanese television in July 2014.

The cast for the series includes:

  • Miku Ito is Nanako Usami
  • Sachika Misawa is Yukari Kohinata
  • Asami Shimoda is Saori Nishifukai
  • Inori Minase is Mirai Nazukari
  • Maya Yoshioka is Yui Mikazuki

A video to promote the series is now available for streaming. I am embedding the video below, and I apologize in advance to any of my readers who are unable to view it due to region blocking.

(c) Lesley’s Musings… on Anime & Manga – Read entire story here.